5 Reasons to BUY during the Holidays
Have you ever found yourself shopping for hours and hours for latest technology gadget or the Black Friday sales during the holiday season just try to get the best possible buy. What if you really get the BEST Deal possible and considered spending that same amount of time out finding for your next home? Or if you we're looking for possible rental property? I want to challenge you during this upcoming holiday season to consider buying a home. You can contact The Korn Team to find out where the best buys are in the Greater Kanas City area.
5 reasons
why you should consider buying a home during the Holidays:
why you should consider buying a home during the Holidays:
#1: Mortgage rates and housing prices are at record lows
Really...I think you all know we have been at historic lows in mortgage rates the past few years and home prices it hit the lowest prices they are probably going to hit.
#2: You have more serious sellers this time of year
Sellers that aren't serious about selling their home or going to take it off the market during holidays. Those sellers who remain are motivated to sell. They may have a reason, for example, a job transfer. They have a reason to sell and they're probably more willing to negotiate with you on price.
#3: Less Buyer competition
The same thing as the seller's, the buyers aren't motivated are going to stop looking and take a break...take a breather for a month or two which is going to give you a jump start on finding a better deal and have the opportunity to make an offer on a property where the seller is motivated to sell and help you negotiate a better price.
#4: There can be a tax benefit for both buyers and sellers
For buyers and sellers the IRS will allow you, in many cases, to write off many your closing costs taxes and other discount points or fees in conjunction with a mortgage loan or home purchase. That could be a great reason to close by the end of the year and take advantage of those that tax benefits.
#5: Faster loan process
You are going to get your loan done quite a bit faster during the holiday season than you would during the busier season. Mortgage rates have been at their all-time record lows and if you wait, they are more likely to go up anytime vs going down any lower or staying where they are. Most lenders can get your loan done in 30-45 days, and in some cases can even close in 2 weeks!
So, keep in mind that during the holidays, there are less buyers in the market place that will help you get through the home buying process faster and you have less people out looking to buy homes which will give you faster turn times all the way around.
I hope this was useful information that has gotten you EXCITED about buying a home during the holidays and if you are planning to buy in the next 6 months, that you now have 5 great reasons to consider buying a home this year.

Do you want to find your dream home AND get it at a great price over the next few months? Let us know what you are looking for in a property and let our FREE Instant Notification Program send you the newest homes the day they hit the market at http://wesellkansascity.kwrealty.com/search/. You can also search and save your searches at www.kornteam.com AND download our Mobile search app with all the Kansas City area properties at www.kornteam.com/mobile
Happy Holidays from The Korn Team
Brad & Sonya Korn and The Korn Team
We sincerely appreciate everyone that has entrusted us with their biggest asset (their Equity).
Brad & Sonya Korn and The Korn Team
(816) 224-KORN (5676)
Do you own your home? Let The Korn Team show you how we are getting our seller clients more equity and a faster sale during the Holiday season at www.kornteam.com/holidays or get us the information about your property at http://wesellkansascity.kwrealty.com/sell/